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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 40-52.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0750

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Analysis Framework of Science-Technology Microcosmic Knowledge Flow Based on a Multi-layer Network

WU Ning1,2, YANG Yanping1,2,*   

  1. 1. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190;
    2. Department of Information Resources Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
  • Received:2023-12-04 Online:2023-11-05 Published:2024-02-28

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Today, the methods of global technology cooperation have become diversified, while the patterns of knowledge and resource flows have become networked. The way knowledge flows between science and technology and promotes innovation is a hot topic in informatics research. Under such circumstances, the transfer and flow of technical knowledge has become increasingly important for the creation of new technologies and the generation of new knowledge. It can provide potential solutions for solving technical problems and generating technological competitive advantages. This study reveals the structural characteristics of the knowledge flow network between science and technology from a micro perspective, and provides new ideas for discovering new knowledge flow and communication channels, understanding the links between science and technology, and exploring innovation breakthroughs. [Method/Process] This paper adopts a multi-perspective approach and exames technical knowledge citation, scientific knowledge citation, and the intersection of scientific knowledge. Specifically, the study focuses on patent-patent citation, patent-paper citation, and paper-discipline co-occurrence, and uses a multi-layer network method to develop a science-technology (S&T) knowledge flow micro-network analysis framework. Through this framework, knowledge flow patterns between science and technology can be comprehensively explored. An empirical study was conducted in the field of genetically modified corn to investigate the knowledge flow patterns between science and technology. Using a multi-layered network model, this study aims to explore the relationship between science and technology from three different perspectives. [Results/Conclusions] The results of the study suggest that technology nodes that absorb multidisciplinary knowledge are more likely to engage in knowledge diffusion or absorption. Additionally, knowledge flow is more likely to occur between the technology nodes corresponding to two interdisciplinary subjects. The analytical framework proposed in our study can reveal the characteristics of knowledge flow from a micro perspective, and can identify two types of knowledge flow structures in the empirical case of genetically modified corn, which extends and enriches existing research on knowledge flow. In the future, the S&T knowledge flow research framework proposed in this study has the potential to be further extended and widely applied by incorporating different types of knowledge subjects, enriching knowledge attribute factors, and expanding knowledge flow paths. For instance, the research framework can be extended to broader fields to explore the relationship between knowledge flow patterns and the characteristics of these fields. It can also be used to explore knowledge flow patterns and potential technological breakthroughs at different flow levels and innovation themes. Such research can serve as a basis for innovation policy and provide theoretical support for the development of strategies and technology research directions.

Key words: knowledge flows, science-technology linkages, multi-layered networks, intellectual property rights, technical prediction

CLC Number: 

  • G258
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