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    Considerations for the Development of Agricultural Informatization Driven by a New Generation of Information Technologies
    SUN Tan, HUANG Yongwen, XIAN Guojian, CUI Yunpeng, LIU Juan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (3): 4-15.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0809
    Abstract495)      PDF(pc) (1771KB)(487)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] At present, the world is in an information age, and the development of agricultural information has become an important development direction of modern agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how a new generation of information technologies promotes the development of agricultural informatization. [Method/Process] This paper summarizes the current situation of the applications of the new generation of information technologies in the agricultural field, analyzes the path of the technologies to promote the development of agricultural informatization, and puts forward the strategy of the innovation and integrated applications of the technologies. [Results/Conclusions] The paper proposes to supplement the shortcomings of agricultural informatization and modernization through the innovation of a new generation of information technologies, helps the "village revitalization strategy", and realizes and accelerates the "synchronization of the four modernizations and integrated development". Promoting the applications of information technologies in agriculture must rely on technological innovation, model innovation, mechanism innovation and policy innovation.
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    Review on the Application and Development Strategies of Text Mining in Agriculture Knowledge Services
    SUN Tan, DING Pei, HUANG Yongwen, XIAN Guojian
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (1): 4-16.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-1197
    Abstract387)      PDF(pc) (1625KB)(385)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Under the new ecological environment of scientific and technological innovation supporting data-intensive scientific discovery, the new format of knowledge service is quietly taking shape. Text mining as the core of knowledge service is facing challenges under the environment of new knowledge service formats. This paper aims to discuss the development strategies of using text mining to carry out knowledge services in the new environment. [Method/Process]This paper sorts out the technical framework of text mining, and demonstrates that text mining is gradually maturing. Using the research and practice in the field of agriculture as a case study in such areas as information retrieval, intelligent question-answering, information monitoring and knowledge extraction, text mining has shown a good performance in scientific and technological innovation and industrial applications. [Results/Conclusions] This paper puts forward the knowledge service technology development strategies according to China's conditions: (1) constructing a specialized knowledge service system based on text mining technologies, (2) attaching importance to the construction of corpora and basic knowledge bases, and (3) giving priority to implementing the deployment of knowledge service technologies in key areas.
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    Building an Artificial Intelligence Engine Based on Scientific and Technological Literature Knowledge
    ZHANG Zhixiong, LIU Huan, YU Gaihong
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (1): 17-31.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0797
    Abstract647)      PDF(pc) (3230KB)(661)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] How to use the knowledge in the scientific and technological literature to train and improve the model of deep learning algorithm, and acquire knowledge and discover knowledge is an important subject of information research. In order to fully mine and utilize the value of literature knowledge, this paper proposes the goal of building an artificial intelligence (AI) engine based on scientific and technological literature knowledge. [Method/Process] It chooses the literature and information science work as the starting point and takes the scientific and technological literature as the most important carrier of human knowledge. This paper explores the essence of the rapid breakthrough of AI, and innovatively puts forward the construction idea of "science and technology knowledge engine" which is the transformation from "science and technology literature library" in the field of information science. [Results/Conclusions] This paper discusses the construction practice of AI engine based on scientific and technological literature knowledge and explores the method of using the deep learning technology to excavate knowledge to serve information research, so as to provide reference for peers.
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    A Database Construction of S&T Intelligence Cognition Models
    LIU Xiwen, GUO Shijie
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (1): 32-40.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0969
    Abstract518)      PDF(pc) (1405KB)(321)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This paper aims to study the organization and construction methods of the intelligence cognition models database to help scientists and information analysts to have an accurate understanding of the research area within a short period of time, and assist them in identifying technological opportunities and threats. [Method/Process] The intelligence cognition models database contains various technical elements and literature information across different subjects, so it consists of literature library, algorithm library, scientific/technical knowledge library, application cases library, etc. It has functions including research hotspots identification, technical performance comparison, information analysis methods recommendation, algorithm-aided design and so on. The construction process of the database includes the collection, verification, storage, organization, and utilization of the "intelligence cognitive models", among which the verification of the models is a crucial step. [Results/Conclusions] The intelligence cognition models database is of great significance to the scientific and technological information study and it can play the role of data infrastructures and information analysis toolboxes. The construction of the database requires the cooperation of the information analysts, scientists, and information technology specialists. In the future, the maintenance, application and upgrading of the models library need to be further considered.
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    Analysis on Open Science Roadmap and Design on Decision-Making Method of Open Science Road
    HUANG Jinxia, ZHAO Zhanyi, WANG Fang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 5-19.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-0928
    Abstract308)      PDF(pc) (1733KB)(397)       Save
    [Objective/Significance] Whether a country enters the open science and how to choose the path, it is urgent to provide the decision-making methods. [Method/Process] As a national science policy, open science can be planned and implemented by way of road map. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the six international open science roadmaps in their release, content and effect evaluation, and puts forward a decision-making method for a national open science road. [Results/Conclusions] The formation of the open science roadmap is influenced by many factors such as the national medium and long-term opening plan, supporting infrastructure and other factors. The implementation contents include the country's current situation, future plan and specific measures, which will ultimately improve the open maturity level and influence of a country or region's scientific research. Based on these characteristics, a decision-making model of the national open science process is preliminarily constructed, covering the decision-making contents of different stages (before the process, in process and after the process) in the implementation of open science, and a "three-step" decision-making process of open science is designed. This paper briefly mentions the next step of open science in China and the roles that libraries can play.
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    Theoretical Mode and Implementation Path of Cultural and Creative Product Development in Public Libraries
    WANG Yi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (11): 5-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.11.20-0929
    Abstract323)      PDF(pc) (1715KB)(557)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] As is supported by national policies and promoted by social development, the development of cultural and creative products in China's public libraries has made initial achievements. However, the development is still in the elementary stage, and there is imbalance and disparity in the development process; efforts are needed to promote the in-depth development of cultural creative products with the aspects of organization and implementation plan, diversified creative design and extension of promotion approaches. Based on the theoretical and practical research, this paper proposes the theoretical model and implementation path for the development of cultural and creative products in public libraries, in order to provide references in methods and decision support for promoting cultural and creative products in libraries. [Method/Process] This paper reviews the current status of studies on cultural and creative products at home and abroad, and summarizes the current situation, differences and problems of cultural and creative product development in domestic and overseas public libraries by means of an investigation and interviews. [Results/Conclusions] This paper constructs the development model of cultural and creative products in public libraries from six aspects: theory, research, organization, design, promotion and evaluation, and then analyzes the realization path and solution strategy of the model.
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    Exploration of Cultural and Creative Products in Libraries under the Background of Cultural and Tourism Integration
    MA Xiangtao
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (11): 15-21.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.11.20-0636
    Abstract340)      PDF(pc) (1023KB)(416)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The research on the cultural and creative products in libraries under the background of cultural and tourism integration is conducive to the in-depth exploration of cultural connotation and systematic exposition of the era value contained in collection resources, and has an important guiding value for reform, innovation and high-quality development of libraries in the new era. [Method/Process] Using online investigation and literature analysis, this paper sorts out the background of libraries' services in cultural and tourism integration, and the current situation of theoretical research and practical exploration of cultural and creative products development, and analyzes the relationship between them. [Results/Conclusions] The development of cultural and creative products and the integration of cultural and tourism are the "two wings" of a library. The integration of culture and tourism provides an external extension for the development of cultural and creative products in terms of development subjects, relied resources, products categories and marketing groups. The development of cultural and creative products provides a feasible path for the realization of cultural and tourism integration, such as material carriers, bearing medium and effective platform. Under the background of cultural and tourism integration, the development of cultural and creative products should jointly set up a working team and train skilled people in products development, integrate cultural and tourism elements to develop cultural and tourism products, and improve the cross-border marketing system and actively carry out network marketing and word-of-mouth marketing.
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    A Review of Construction of Major Agricultural Open Scientific Data Resources
    CHAI Miaoling, HUANG Lin, REN Yunyue
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (10): 25-34.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.10.20-0811
    Abstract262)      PDF(pc) (1186KB)(173)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This paper systematically reviews the current situation and characteristics of major agricultural open scientific data resources, so as to provide references for a "digital government" to manage and use scientific data. [Method/Process] The concept and connotation of agricultural scientific data were determined, and the investigation and analysis were carried out from four dimensions: resource type and data format, the scope of a subject field, the method of knowledge organization and the service mode. Based on a survey of government agents, agricultural research institutions, universities and agricultural library and information institutions, this paper investigated important agricultural science data websites and platforms constructed by those organizations, and selected 165 Chinese papers and 167 English papers as supplementary references. [Results/Conclusions] Based on the needs of macro and meso management of agricultural science and technology, it is suggested to give full play to the role of scientific research institutions, universities, libraries and information institutions, governments and enterprises in terms of their advantages in resources and specific subject fields, collect and integrate multi-type and multi-discipline heterogeneous scientific data resources, strengthen the internal association and integration of data, and provide support for the transformation of a digital government.
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    Semantic Annotation of Image Resources in Digital Humanities
    CHEN Tao, SHAN Rongrong, LI Hui
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (9): 6-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.09.20-0411
    Abstract876)      PDF(pc) (3951KB)(413)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] A large number of image resources in digital humanities have not been in effective use for a long time, and the phenomenon of "isolated image islands" is intensifying. The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) opens a new window for more in-depth interactions with image applications. Image annotation is the key to breaking image islands and enhancing image recognition. [Method/Process] Based on IIIF framework, this paper proposes three dimensions of image annotation: image-level metadata injection, object-level content transcription, and semantic-level deep annotation connection. At the same time, the ontology management platform built in the paper provides ontology support for semantic annotation of image resources. [Results/Conclusions] This paper takes Night-Shining White, a monochrome ink-on-paper painting by Han Gan, as an example. In this case, the paper discusses the new interactive experience and research mode brought by the use of image annotation and IIIF technology in semantic enhancement of images, object tag clustering and precise associations of resources. It indicates that the combination of IIIF, linked data and artificial intelligence (AI) is bound to open a new era of digital humanities research.
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    The Multi-lingual Knowledge Fusion Framework for Digital Humanities in Tibetan Studies Humanities in Tibetan Studies
    ZHAO Shenghui, HU Ying
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (9): 39-49.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.09.20-0387
    Abstract760)      PDF(pc) (1650KB)(276)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] To follow the trends of global digital humanities practice, advance the in-depth fusion of multi-sources, multi-forms, and multi-lingual knowledge in Tibetan Studies, and promote the modernization of Tibetan Studies in China. [Method/Process] Based on concepts and methods of digital humanities, the mechanism and approaches of multilingual knowledge fusion in Tibetan Studies are analyzed in this paper. Based on the top-level ontology framework of digital humanities (DHTO), a knowledge ontology framework in Tibetan Studies is constructed. Experiments on the fusion and retrieval of Tibetan, Chinese and English trilingual knowledge instances were carried out. [Results/Conclusions] The top-level ontology framework of digital humanities (DHTO) consists of 6 types of entities: time, location, organizations, individuals, things, and events. Knowledge ontology in Tibetan Studies can be expanded layer by layer based on the DHTO framework and the cross-language semantic connection can be achieved by multilingual equivalent name properties.
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    From "Building the Ecosystem" to "Driven by Demand": How to Meet the Digital Scholarship Needs of Humanities Scholars
    XIAO Peng
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (9): 50-57.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.09.20-0788
    Abstract738)      PDF(pc) (1210KB)(171)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The paper points out that "building the ecosystem" and "driven by demand" are two keywords for academic libraries to meet the digital scholarship needs of humanities scholars and build digital humanities services. Both of these require us to understand the strategic issues of digital humanities services for academic libraries from the macro perspective, and then explore the feasible path to construct a digital academic ecology from the macro and academic level. [Method/Process] Based on the early accumulation of the subject group and related cases, this paper discusses the necessity and possibility of constructing the ecosystem of digital humanities. [Results/Conclusions] The main conclusions include: (1) emphasizing the respect for objective realities, and regarding the construction of " ecosystem of digital humanities " as the primary goal; (2) clearing up the different types of digital academic needs of humanities scholars and carrying out the type study of academic libraries according to their needs; (3) academic libraries can be divided into leading academic libraries, academic libraries that play a supporting role and those at a basic level, and we should promote different types of academic libraries to perform their duties in the digital academic ecology, to meet different needs of humanities scholars, and to construct the ecosystem of digital humanities.
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    Innovative Power Mechanism of Social Forces' Participation in the Construction of Public Cultural Services
    LU Hejian, JIANG Fengwei
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (7): 5-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.07.20-0305
    Abstract808)      PDF(pc) (1141KB)(209)       Save
    [Purpose / Significance] To encourage and guide the participation of social forces is an effective way for a government to improve its security level of public cultural services. To improve the quality of social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services, we need to improve the power mechanism to support the development of social forces. [Method / Process] This paper expounds on the current situation and the meaning of the power mechanism and the types of the driving forces in social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services, and analyzes the advanced typical case of social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services. [Results / Conclusions] Combined with the case analysis, the paper puts forward the optimization strategy for social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services, which can provide references for promoting the supply of political and social cooperation in public cultural services.
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