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    Qualitative Research on Information Poverty in Rural Areas: Taking Guizhou Province as an Example
    WU Jing, ZENG Zhen
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (4): 14-21.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0436
    Abstract263)      PDF(pc) (1118KB)(132)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The targets and tasks for poverty alleviation in the new era have been met as scheduled, and all rural residents living under the current poverty line have been lifted out of poverty. However, information dissemination remains a weak spot. Therefore, this study explores the influencing factors of information poverty in rural areas of Guizhou Province to provide a basis for promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural information communication. [Method/Process] Based on the in-depth interviews of 87 farmers in poor rural areas in five years, this paper sorted out the interview data based on NVIVO11 software according to the grounded theory principle in qualitative research. This paper makes a qualitative analysis on the influencing factors of rural information poverty from three aspects: farmers' self-factors, information infrastructure construction factors and information acquisition content factors. [Results/Conclusions] Influencing factors lead to the farmers' weak awareness of information, information dissemination is not smooth and the content of dissemination is not complete and accurate, and the information utility is unsatisfactory.
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    Poverty Alleviation Oriented Digital Agricultural Gamification Development: Cases from Yunnan Province
    LI Yichen, WU Mingxia, PU Yinsen, FAN Zhenjia
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (4): 22-34.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0855
    Abstract292)      PDF(pc) (1118KB)(413)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] With the penetrating of industrialization and "Internet plus", using ICT to satisfy the yearning of people for idyllic life has become an important direction of the modern agricultural development. As an emerging pattern of agriculture and poverty alleviation, gamification extends the using of ICT to the marketing of agricultural products, which enables users to participate in the process of farming and have fun. [Method/Process] We have a thorough knowledge of the poverty situation in S, L, H District, Yunnan Province by field investigation and second-hand cases analysis. We found the current problems of development and also a relatively advantageous infrastructure and policy foundation in impoverished areas. And we pose the idea that a model innovation in poverty alleviation is the solution to these problems based on the advantageous conditions there. [Results/Conclusions] This paper analyzes the advantages of the digital agricultural gamification mode in impoverished areas, find the potential problems, and establish the path for using agricultural gamification in poverty alleviation.
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