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    Cultural Information Service Cooperation for the New Generation of Migrant Workers to Adapt to the City
    HONG Qiulan, WANG Yi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (2): 71-80.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.01.14-0013
    Abstract596)      PDF(pc) (1142KB)(143)       Save
    [Purpose/significance] The needs of the new generation of migrant workers are complex and diversified, which requires the cooperation of multi-cultural institutions. [Methods/Process] This paper reviews the cultural needs, services and institutional cooperation of the new generation of migrant workers and foreign immigrants. Using the methods of questionnaire and interview to collect and sort out the data, to understand the cultural information needs of the new generation of migrant workers, the perception of the existing services and the expectation of the future services. [Results/Conclusions] At present, there are some problems in the service of the new generation of migrant workers, such as the mismatch between supply and demand, the lack of publication, propaganda channels, the shortage of physical and mental health services and source culture services, and the limitation of nearby community services. We should take the community as the carrier, broaden the channels of information dissemination, combine multiple resources to serve the community, and pay attention to source culture and multicultural services.
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