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    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (4): 4-4.  
    Abstract288)      PDF(pc) (3099KB)(99)       Save
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    Analysis on the Epidemic Situation of COVID-19 in Six Provinces Adjacent to Hubei
    ZHAO Shuai, ZHOU Dan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (4): 5-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.03.16-0167
    Abstract828)      PDF(pc) (6897KB)(107)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] More than 800,000 patients have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) worldwide so far, and the epidemic has spread to the whole world. Based on the huge differences in infection rates and lethal rates in different countries / regions, it is meaningful to conduct comparative research between regions, and it is of great value for regions to learn experience from each other and try to avoid mistakes. [Method / Process] This paper focuses on the incidence of COVID-19 in six provinces and cities around Hubei Province, and conducts the data analysis of different regions, including the incidence rate, mortality rate, and development trend of the positive epidemic period of millions of people; Combined with the law of crowd movement between Hubei and surrounding provinces and cities for comparison, we can obtain the correlation of inter-provincial transmission of infection. In addition, Zhengzhou, which is an important city in the Central Plains region, has also been greatly impacted. Its population size is comparable to that of Wuhan, and its distance is relatively short. The frequency of commuting between cities is high. The paper specifically selected Zhengzhou for analysis. [Results/Conclusions] There are some differences in the changes of the epidemic situation in the six provinces and cities. This is not only related to the size of the group that entered Hubei before the closure of the city, but also to its own population size and transportation status. Specific to Zhengzhou City, the cumulative incidence rate is 1.55 per 100,000. The confirmed cases are mainly concentrated in the Jinshui District, the north of Zhengzhou, which is consistent with the status of the transportation hub; the number of male and female patients is relatively close, and these data can provide a basis for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 outbreak to some degree.
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    Multi-dimensional intelligence model for public health emergencies and its application
    MU Di, CHEN An
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (4): 15-22.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.03.16-0163
    Abstract1128)      PDF(pc) (1876KB)(258)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The public health emergencies need to be analyzed scientifically and reasonably. Their details and in-depth information are very important for decision-making. [Method/Process] Based on the DIIS theory and methodology in think tanks, this paper constructs a multi-dimensional intelligence model for public health emergencies. The model is further used in the analysis of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia. [Results/Conclusions] The multi-dimensional intelligence model of public health events includes five aspects, namely subject, object, medium, process and field. In the model, multi-subject, multi-item, multi-attribute, multi-factor, multi-method, multi-matter, multi-layer, multi-stage, multi-aspect and multi-scale are correlative and interactive. In the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the subjects of emergency management took corresponding actions according to their social responsibilities. Think tanks provide special scientific support for dealing with the public health emergency. The outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia has a negative effect on the development of society and economy, but it also created an opportunity for the modernization and intellectualization.
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    The Analysis Method and Governance Mechanism Design of the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Pneumonia in Rural Areas
    WANG Yuan, CHEN AN, CHEN Yinghua
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (4): 23-31.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.03.16-0164
    Abstract837)      PDF(pc) (1499KB)(162)       Save
    [Purpose / Significance] This study aims to improve the management efficiency of rural grass-roots organizations and grassroots medical and health institutions in the face of major infectious diseases, and provide a path and choice for the prevention and control of major infectious diseases in rural areas. [Method / Process] The "10Multi-Shofcadssm" was innovatively used to conduct in-depth analysis of novel coronavirus epidemic pneumonia in rural areas. This method sorted out the logical relationship between the subject and the object through factor classification, dealt with different situations according to different attributes through factor correspondence, and then designed the governance mechanism in stages. [Results / Conclusions] Taking the effect of novel coronavirus epidemic pneumonia on rural areas as the starting point, it is found that the epidemic situation has a great impact on rural crop production, agricultural products sales, farmers' income increase and talents introduction. Combining the "10Multi-Shofcadssm" with the rural epidemic situation, a rural COVID-19 epidemic factor analysis table was constructed. In addition, we designed the management mechanism of the novel coronavirus epidemic pneumonia in rural areas from the two different stages: during the process and after the process, and the strategy focus was defined.
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