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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (12): 4-17.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0044

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Research Advances in Resource Management Technology of Smart Recommendation Enabled by Big Data in China

SUN Yusheng1,2, FAN Ying1, ZHU Bo3   

  1. 1. School of Economics and Management, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068;
    2. Hubei Innovation Research Center of Rural Social Management, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068;
    3. School of Management, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2023-11-20 Online:2023-12-05 Published:2024-04-07

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Data empowerment for collaborative transformation of the entire industrial chain has become a national strategy. In the context of multi-source and heterogeneous big data, we face higher demands on the diversity and real-time of recommendation services, as well as the standardization and comprehensiveness of user and item information management, in order to turn data into resources, support the diversification of smart recommendation services, and enhance the user interaction experience. To this end, we should systematically sort out and analyze the research results of user interest modeling and item information management technologies in China's big data empowerment, elaborate the technical system for standardized management of user and item information in intelligent recommendation. [Method/Process] The article summarizes the content of 507 documents using literature review methods, and summarizes and analyzes the domestic big data empowerment resource management technology for smart recommendation from two aspects: user interest modeling and item information management. User interest modeling technology includes model representation, model initialization and model evolution, the item information management technology shows the goals, implementation methods, implementation techniques, and methods of item information management, including data collection, data mining, data storage, data updating, and data interpretation. [Results/Conclusions] First, the user interest modeling technology of big data empowerment mainly studies the following issues. 1) The method of model representation is to accurately formalize the user's needs. 2) The model is initialized to collect user information in an implicit or explicit way and select tools and technologies according to data types to pre-process user data according to a fixed process, and select measurement methods to quantify user interest. 3) Model evolution aims to apply methods and technologies to evolve user interest models offline and online. Second, the item information management technology of big data empowerment mainly studies the following issues. 1) The online technology and offline equipment are used to synchronously collect item data across the whole domain, integrate domain knowledge, and use algorithm libraries and data analysis methods to mine item data. 2) The distributed storage is used such as databases and file systems to store item data. 3) Data collection, mining, and storage technologies are the main techniques, item data are updated through offline and online methods, and visualization technology is used to intuitively interpret ietm data. Finally, existing research needs to strengthen the design and practical research of user-driven and data-driven smart recommendation solutions, as well as strengthen research on data security.

Key words: big data, smart recommendation, data collection, data mining, data visualization

CLC Number: 

  • TP391
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