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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2020, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 30-42.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.11.20-0810


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A Study of Current Status of the Development of Cultural Creative Products in Japan's Public Libraries: Taking the Nakanoshima Library Store as an Example

LI Furong, CHEN Dandan   

  1. Department of library, information and archives, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444
  • Received:2020-09-08 Online:2020-11-05 Published:2020-12-11

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Few public libraries run stores in Japan. Nakanoshima Library is one of those which operate a library store and the development and marking of its cultural and creative products can be considered to be the epitome of Japan's cultural and creative industry. Its products are characterized by a wide range of cultural creative products, a cute and delicate style, and fashionable marketing strategies. It becomes a model for public libraries to run stores and its way of thinking and way of running stores are worth learning from peers. [Method/Process] This paper investigates the goods of Nakanoshima Library's stores, reviews these goods in terms of their appearance and contents, analyzes their characteristics and summarizes some of the Library's experiences in the process of producing and selling its products.[Results/Conclusions] Nakanoshima Library's stores follow the product design principles, which highlight being rich, cute, small, and practical. Its experience in using a library's products to promote the library image, designing products according to the local culture, establishing good interactive relationships with the public, exploring the educational function of products, and adopting fashionable promotion methods can provide inspiration and references for other libraries which would develop cultural and creative products.

Key words: Nakanoshima library, Japanese culture and creative products, libraries

CLC Number: 

  • G253
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