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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2020, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 15-21.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.11.20-0636


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Exploration of Cultural and Creative Products in Libraries under the Background of Cultural and Tourism Integration

MA Xiangtao   

  1. National Library of China, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2020-07-17 Online:2020-11-05 Published:2020-12-11

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] The research on the cultural and creative products in libraries under the background of cultural and tourism integration is conducive to the in-depth exploration of cultural connotation and systematic exposition of the era value contained in collection resources, and has an important guiding value for reform, innovation and high-quality development of libraries in the new era. [Method/Process] Using online investigation and literature analysis, this paper sorts out the background of libraries' services in cultural and tourism integration, and the current situation of theoretical research and practical exploration of cultural and creative products development, and analyzes the relationship between them. [Results/Conclusions] The development of cultural and creative products and the integration of cultural and tourism are the "two wings" of a library. The integration of culture and tourism provides an external extension for the development of cultural and creative products in terms of development subjects, relied resources, products categories and marketing groups. The development of cultural and creative products provides a feasible path for the realization of cultural and tourism integration, such as material carriers, bearing medium and effective platform. Under the background of cultural and tourism integration, the development of cultural and creative products should jointly set up a working team and train skilled people in products development, integrate cultural and tourism elements to develop cultural and tourism products, and improve the cross-border marketing system and actively carry out network marketing and word-of-mouth marketing.

Key words: cultural and tourism integration, cultural and creative product, development of cultural and creative products, library, tourism

CLC Number: 

  • G249.2
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