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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture


DIS Agent: New Paradigm of S&T Documentation and Information Service for the Fifteenth Five-Year Plan

Xiwen LIU1,2, Yun FU1, Huanan WEI1,2   

  1. 1. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
    2. Department of Information Resources Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049
  • Received:2024-10-19


Purpose/Significance Every transformation and development in scientific and technological (S&T) documentation and information services has revolved around the application of advanced information technologies. Currently, cutting-edge AI technologies such as large-scale models and agents are driving a new wave of paradigm shifts in scientific research. Information institutions should consider how the paradigm of S&T documentation and information services should evolve to lay a strategic foundation for the development of the "15th Five-Year Plan" development. Method/Process This study uses objective induction and theoretical reasoning methods. It starts with the three driving modes of AI empowering scientific research and combines them with the essence of information work. The study concludes and summarizes that AI empowers S&T documentation and information services in two main areas: information infrastructure (data production, information organization, and knowledge representation) and information generation (intelligence computation). Agents integrated with large-scale modelling technologies demonstrate exceptional, even scientist-level, data understanding capabilities, suggesting that they are already capable of enabling information generation. [Results/ Conclusions Building and deploying DIS agents is an inevitable choice for information institutions as they prepare for the "15th Five-Year Plan". Driven by DIS agents, S&T documentation and information services will achieve higher levels of automation and intelligence, freeing information professionals from tedious basic data processing tasks and allowing them to focus on generating high-value information and supporting decision making. In the ecosystem of S&T documentation and information services driven by DIS agents, clusters of agents form the core and work together both internally and externally: Internally, DIS agents achieve a high level of automation in four core functions: data production, information organization, knowledge representation, and intelligence computation through the integration of planning tools, basic data and infrastructure resources. Externally, through interactions between agents, information experts, and specific intelligence scenarios, a new working paradigm emerges: "human and multi-agent collaboration". In the future, when planning and designing the implementation of DIS agents, it is essential to focus on both the technical adaptability at the current R&D stage and the potential security risks in future application stages. This ensures the efficient and secure use of DIS agents in S&T documentation and information services.

Key words: 15th Five-Year Plan, documentation and information service agent (DIS agent), human-DIS agent collaboration, S&T documentation and information services, new paradigm

CLC Number: 

  • G350

Table 1

The development history of China S&T documentation and information service"





























The history of CAS’s S&T documentation and information service"


Demand-driven and technology-driven CAS's development of S&T documentation and information service"


Three driving modes of AI driving scientific research"


DIKI and types of information"


Paradigm shift in S&T documentation and information service"


A new ecosystem of S&T documentation and information services based on DIS agents"

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