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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture


The Logic, Challenges, and Responses of Digital Supply and Acquisition of Public Cultural Goods

Liying MA   

  1. College of Foreign Studies, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110136
  • Received:2024-11-09 Online:2024-12-26


[Purpose/Significance] In the process of providing and receiving public cultural goods empowered by digital technology, digital inequality caused by the digital divide tramples on digital justice. Digitization has shaped the space of digital ecological justice, and digital justice is naturally consistent with "fairness". The value attribute of "justice" is its rightful meaning. The connotation of digital empowerment is "efficiency", which is not only the application of technology and data, but also the methodology of promoting economic and social development through digital means. Exploring the positive significance of digital empowerment is a great driving force for the innovative development of public cultural construction in the new era. [Method/Process] By analyzing the relevant literature, we started from the public attribute of public cultural goods, by sorting out basic concepts such as "digital justice", "digital empowerment", and "digital divide", and explored the logical essence of achieving "social justice" under the unity of efficiency and fairness. This article is a return to traditional justice theory and has been promoted and expanded under the value orientation of digital justice in the new era. In order to achieve a natural state where free individuals are not coerced, value analysis methods should be used to address the conflict between the human-centered justice value orientation and instrumental rationality in the context of digital empowerment, as well as the mismatch between traditional social rights protection mechanisms and digital social operating models. We use the contradiction analysis method to explore reality dilemmas and value conflicts, and provide suggestions for resolving conflicts. [Results/Conclusions] The supply and acquisition of public cultural goods should follow the requirements of digital justice in the digital field and space, and embody the value attribute of "justice", which is its rightful meaning. Suggestions for dealing with the difficulties include returning to the humanistic value theory, clarifying the relationship between ends and means, establishing a standardized new ecosystem for digital empowerment, reaching a rational consensus on addressing digital inequality, and affirming that we are guided by the dynamic and genuine cultural needs of citizens. This article provides a "should-be" approach to further optimize the supply and acquisition of digitally enabled public cultural goods and services. The focus of this article is on value attribute analysis, comparative and practical research on micro-level policies and specific cases of digital empowerment of public cultural goods supply and acquisition. It is also necessary to fully investigate the reality in China and gather information and data. In the future, we will focus on finding viable solutions to real-world problems in order to increase the positive impact of "digital empowerment".

Key words: supply and acquisition of public cultural goods, digital empowerment, digital justice, digital divide

CLC Number: 

  • G250


Logical essentials between basic concepts"

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