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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 58-69.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0648

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Reader Knowledge Construction in Public Library Information Literacy Education based on the MOA Model

Huimin HE   

  1. Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510110
  • Received:2024-08-06 Online:2024-09-05 Published:2025-01-13


[Purpose/Significance] As part of the plan to build a better new digital life, information literacy (IL) is a survival skill in the information age. As a major repository of information resources, public libraries are the backbone of public IL education. The research on readers' knowledge construction behavior of IL education in public libraries is not only helpful for readers to improve their individual IL and self-learning ability, but also constructive for the development of the national IL system. At present, relevant research mainly focuses on the framework and practical suggestions of IL education, and rarely analyzes the construction of readers' knowledge in IL education from the perspective of knowledge management and readers' behavior. [Method/Process] From the perspective of readers' knowledge construction, this paper logically extends to the necessary knowledge scene transformation in public library IL education, and finally rises to the level of development strategy on how readers can realize knowledge construction and innovation in public library IL education. Information literacy education in public libraries also includes explicit and implicit knowledge. Information literacy education activities in public libraries focus on sharing explicit knowledge, enhancing the value of collection knowledge, but more attention should be paid to the exploration of implicit knowledge, enhancing knowledge transformation and innovation of participating readers. The path of reader knowledge construction in IL education can be divided into individual knowledge, team knowledge, organizational level knowledge. According to the different levels of knowledge construction, four knowledge transformation modes constitute the spiral process of knowledge innovation. Based on the MOA model, this paper analyzes the motivational factors, opportunity factors, and ability factors of readers' knowledge construction in the IL education in public libraries, as well as the constituent elements of the knowledge construction community and their interactive relationships from a multi-dimensional dynamic perspective. The model of readers' knowledge construction in public library IL education from the perspective of MOA analyzes the influence of motivational factors, opportunity factors, and ability factors on the readers' knowledge construction behavior in the knowledge construction community of IL education. Motivation points to opportunities and skills, suggesting that motivation leads readers to seek opportunities and develop necessary skills; motivation, opportunity and ability, and knowledge construction community all point to readers' knowledge construction behavior, suggesting that together they influence and promote readers' knowledge construction process. [Results/Conclusions] Readers' knowledge construction in the MOA model is a dynamic and multi-stage process. In the IL education activities of public libraries, readers gradually promote their understanding of knowledge and apply it to practical situations by stimulating motivation, exploiting opportunities, improving skills, and ultimately constructing knowledge. At the same time, through the feedback evaluation stage, further enhance knowledge construction strategies, update development goals, and continue reform and innovation. This study is only a theoretical extension of practical work experience, and does not involve rigorous and formal data verification and case study. In the next step, the questionnaire will be used to collect sample data, and through hypothesis testing and model fitting, the application practice of the MOA model in readers' knowledge construction behavior will be further verified.

Key words: MOA model, public library, information literacy education, knowledge construction

CLC Number: 

  • G258.2

Table 1

Explicit and implicit elements of information literacy education in public libraries"

类别 知识分类 信息素养 信息素养教育形式
显性 馆藏图书、期刊、数据库、微信推文、讲座演示内容、使用指南、年度报告 信息能力、信息技能等可清晰表述的信息显性知识 信息素养讲座、培训、一对一指导、授课等
隐性 馆员个体知识、读者与馆员交流、活动讲师知识、馆藏空间建设、人工智能等新技术应用 信息素养态度、信息伦理等个体中难以用文字表述的隐性知识 信息素养空间建设、图书馆新技术应用等


Describing the reader knowledge construction pathway in information literacy education"


Conceptual model of reader knowledge construction in information literacy education of public libraries from the perspective of MOA"


Evolution of reader knowledge construction stages in public library information literacy education from the perspective of MOA"

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