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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 43-51.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0381

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Integrated Model of Digital Construction and Operation of Rural Areas Guided by Value-added Data Elements

ZHOU Zhian, WANG Jiewei*   

  1. Beijing Guoxin Junyuan Technology Co., LTD, Beijing 100007
  • Received:2024-04-05 Published:2024-09-24

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] At present, we are in a strategic development period of integrated development of digital rural areas and data elements. The government has introduced a series of policies to promote the deep integration and development of digital technology and rural areas, and promote the release of data value. The continuous improvement of rural digital capabilities and data resource systems, as well as the continuous improvement of data element policy system and the value transformation paths, provide unlimited opportunities for unlocking the value of agricultural data. The purpose of this study is to further study and explore the model of enabling "data elements X" in modern agricultural innovation, summarize and extract the model of empowering high-quality development of the agricultural industry with data elements, and explore the vertical application of data elements in the agricultural field, which is of great significance for breaking through the bottleneck of agricultural industry development with the help of data elements. [Method/Process] The research method of this article is based on the review of data elements, digital rural areas, agricultural data resource policy system, and integrated development trends released by the country in recent years. It has used policy analysis, comparative analysis, model analysis, case study and other research methods. The theoretical basis mainly comes from government official policy documents, and the comparative analysis and model analysis mainly rely on industry experience in practical work. The case study mainly takes the Funan Digital Rural Project and Guangxi Pig Data Authorization Operation Project as examples to deeply analyze the practical application of the DOD mode in the special debt of digital rural data assets and agricultural industry data authorization operation, and conducts in-depth analysis and discussion based on the current situation of the industry. This study combines theory and practice. [Results/Conclusions] First, an innovative digital rural construction and operation integration model (DOD) guided by value-added elements is proposed. The connotation and significance of this model are analyzed, and a model for the operation and benefits of this model is further proposed. Two representative cases are used to deeply analyze the practical application of the DOD model. Finally, based on the case practice and the problems faced, targeted work suggestions are proposed to provide reference for local governments to flexibly use the DOD model, explore the use of value-added data elements to support digital rural construction, and empower agricultural industry development.

Key words: data element, digital village, modern agriculture, special bond for data assets, integrated construction and operation

CLC Number: 

  • F49
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