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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 4-20.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0242

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Privacy Protection of Social Network Data: Traceability, Technology, Policy and Perspectives

YANG Ruixian1,2, LI Hangyi1, SUN Zhuo1,*   

  1. 1. Department of Information Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001;
    2. Zhengzhou Data Science Research Center, Zhengzhou 450001
  • Received:2024-03-01 Online:2024-04-05 Published:2024-07-29

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] The advent of the Internet and the subsequent evolution of new technologies and applications, such as big data and artificial intelligence, have spurred the exponential growth of a new generation of technologies. China has entered the era of data-driven digital intelligence, with social network data privacy protection playing a crucial role in the country's comprehensive security strategy. By studying the evolution of this field, we gain insights into how to protect personal information, foster the healthy development of social platforms, and facilitate the responsible circulation of data elements. Compared to previous studies, this paper offers a broader range of perspectives, exploring the main directions and roles of each element of privacy protection with the information ecology theory, and more comprehensive research content, and combining causes, technologies, management and metrics.We propose an ecological framework for social network data privacy protection, based on a thorough overview of the subject matter. This framework serves as a reference point for the evolving landscape of privacy protection practices. [Method/Process] This study uses two different approaches: literature review and content analysis. The former is utilized to identify and categorize literature related to CNKI and WOS, while the latter is employed to visually analyze and interpret this corpus using Citespace. This study provides a systematic review of data privacy protection in social networks in four dimensions: privacy protection triggers, privacy leakage, privacy protection technology, and privacy protection management. The review is based on the visualization and analysis of both Chinese and international literature. Furthermore, we present our perspective on information ecology, integrating analyses of research themes and limitations for each information topic. We also explore strategies to promote the sustainable and healthy development of behaviors related to data privacy protection in social networks. [Results/Conclusions] Interdisciplinary exchange on data privacy protection in social networks is essential to advance the digital intelligence era. Relying solely on isolated methods of privacy protection is insufficient in the face of an increasingly complex application environment and the trends towards digitalization and intelligence. It is therefore necessary to establish a comprehensive privacy protection system that integrates technical optimization, legal improvements, platform regulations, and user engagement. Specifically, from a technical perspective, it is essential to leverage a variety of technologies to develop solutions for privacy protection. From a legal perspective, there is a need to refine the content, standardize the adjudication process, and strengthen supervision and sanctions. At the platform level, optimizing the content of privacy policies and ensuring their effectiveness are crucial. Finally, at the user level, it is essential to raise awareness of privacy protection and to enhance privacy protection capabilities. Moreover, it is crutial to examine the inherent relationship between each entity and the methods of protection. A key limitation of this paper is the lack of an in-depth analysis of the interaction mechanisms between stakeholders within the ecological framework of social network data privacy protection. Future iterations will address this by incorporating a background on the complex information environment and conducting a more in-depth analysis of the interaction mechanisms.

Key words: social networks, data privacy, privacy breaches, privacy-protection technologies, privacy management, privacy metrics

CLC Number: 

  • G203
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