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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (10): 58-71.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0506

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Social Reading Behavior of Rural Residents Based on the "Motivation-Behavior" Framework Factors and Pathways of Influence

FU Rui   

  1. Harbin University, Harbin 150086
  • Received:2023-08-08 Online:2023-10-05 Published:2024-02-28

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] With the continuous development of modern society towards information, intelligence, and networking, a new reading mode - social reading- is widely accepted by people. In order to explore the specific influence of the social reading motivation of rural residents on their behavior, and to clarify the characteristics of their social reading behavior, and then to provide guidance for the revitalization of rural reading promotion service, we have constructed a dual-link model of social reading motivation with intrinsic motivation and social motivation. [Methods/Processes] Research shows that farmers' social motivation for reading can be divided into intrinsic motivation and social motivation. Intrinsic motivation includes reading efficacy, pursuit of excellence, and emotional expression, while social motivation includes social interaction and gaining recognition. Within the framework of "motivation-behavior", we constructed a dual-link model of social reading motivation with intrinsic motivation and social motivation, and introduced potential expressiveness as a moderating variable in the pathway of interactive behaviors. Data were collected from rural residents in some areas of Heilongjiang Province by the questionnaire survey method, and 447 questionnaire samples were empirically tested by AMOS. [Results/Conclusions] The intrinsic motivation represented by reading efficacy, emotional expression, and pursuit of excellence had a positive effect on immersion experience, and the social motivation represented by social interaction and gaining recognition had a positive effect on perceived usefulness, while immersion experience and perceived usefulness positively influenced socialized reading behavior; potential schematic competence played a moderating role in the interactive influence of immersion experience and socialized reading behavior, while perceived usefulness did not play a significant role in the interaction between immersion experience and social reading behavior. Based on the results of this study, we propose recommendations for promoting social reading in terms of emotional expression, social interaction and potential schematic energy mining. To stimulate intrinsic motivation through the chain of emotional communication, emotional expression, and emotional resonance. The entity represents user characteristics obtained through the analysis of user behavior such as consumption, browsing, and querying based on user profiles, and opens up a data presentation model centered on the user, thereby enhancing the user's immersive reading experience. Social motivation can be enhanced by catering to users' habits. For example, farmers can drive social reading through interactive behaviors such as liking, sharing, and commenting.

Key words: social reading, rural residents, immersion experience, perceived usefulness, potential performance

CLC Number: 

  • G251
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