农业图书情报学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 4-13.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0432

• 特约综述 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,北京 100190
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-13 发布日期:2024-09-24
  • 作者简介:冷伏海(1963- ),博士,研究员,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,研究方向为市场信息学、中小企业信息服务、科技战略情报研究

Practice and Reflection on Scientific and Technological Strategic Intelligence

LENG Fuhai   

  1. Nstitutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
  • Received:2023-04-13 Published:2024-09-24

摘要: [目的/意义]新一轮科技革命与产业变革加速演进,对国家发展与安全的影响日益深刻和广泛,科技创新系统的复杂性和不确定性凸显,科技政策议程也面临着变革转型,以应对国际上日益激烈的科技竞争,为感知科技发展的态势,各国普遍开展数据智能驱动的科技战略情报实践。[方法/过程]通过调研国际标准化组织颁布的标准《创新管理-战略情报管理的工具与方法-指南》、经济合作发展组织公开的《科学、技术、创新政策议程》、美国近期开展的国家关键技术评估后发布的《保障美国的未来:关键技术评估框架》、欧盟委员会的联合研究中心的《欧洲产业研发投入记分牌》、日本《研发俯瞰报告》和中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院的《科学结构图谱》等报告研制过程中如何开发利用科技战略情报支持“证据决策”的议程。[结果/结论]科技战略情报的要义是为决策提供数据、知识与证据,战略情报运作周期模型是DIKI,面向科技政策问题的战略情报数据基础设施及其分析模型、指标和工具,在组织中建立专门的战略情报机构,理解并利用科技战略情报数据并自觉地将其纳入“证据决策”议程,以及把不同类型的战略情报结合起来使用已经成为科技政策制定者应具备的技能,科技创新政策制定者应承担起与监测科技创新系统和政策有关的大量行政数据的生成、维护、完整性和可获取性的责任。

关键词: 战略情报, DIKI, 数据基础设施, 关键技术评估, 证据决策

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] The new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and its impact on national development and security is becoming deeper and wider. The complexity and uncertainty of the technological innovation system are highlighted, and the technology policy agenda is also undergoing a transformation in order to cope with the increasingly fierce international technological competition. In order to identify the trend of technological development, countries generally engage in data-driven strategic intelligence practice. [Method/Process] Through research on the standard Innovation Management - Tools and Methods for Strategic Intelligence Management - Guide published by the International Organization for Standardization, the Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Agenda published by the Economic Development Cooperation Organization, Safeguarding the Future of the United States: Framework for Key Technology Assessment issued after the recent national key technology assessment in the United States, The 2023 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard by the EU, the Japanese R&D Overlook Report, and the Scientific Structure Atlas of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this study is focused on how to develop and utilize scientific and technological strategic intelligence to support the "evidence-based decision-making" agenda in the report development process. [Results/Conclusions] The essence of technological strategic intelligence is to provide data, knowledge, and evidence for decision making. The operational cycle model of strategic intelligence is DIKI, which is a strategic intelligence data infrastructure and analysis model including indicators, and tools for technology policy issues. There is a need to establish a dedicated strategic intelligence unit within the organization to understand and utilize technology strategic intelligence data, and to consciously incorporate it into the "evidence-based decision-making" agenda. Combining different types of strategic intelligence has become a necessary skill for technology policy makers. Technology innovation policy makers should take responsibility for the generation, maintenance, integrity, and accessibility of a large amount of administrative data related to the monitoring of technology innovation systems and policies.

Key words: strategic intelligence, DIKI, data infrastructure, key technologies evaluation, evidence-based decision making

中图分类号:  G350;G351


冷伏海. 科技战略情报实践与思考[J]. 农业图书情报学报, 2024, 36(5): 4-13.

LENG Fuhai. Practice and Reflection on Scientific and Technological Strategic Intelligence[J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2024, 36(5): 4-13.