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Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Resources Development Based on NFT
MOU Lijun, XU Xin
Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (6): 14-23.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0453
Abstract655)      PDF(pc) (973KB)(468)       Save
[Purpose/Significance] Intangible cultural heritage, as a typical representative of excellent traditional Chinese culture, have extremely high social value and cultural value, and the current intangible cultural heritage digital resources development work has made some progresses. However, the distribution of resources is fragmented, displaying the resource "island" phenomenon, and the developers are difficult to form a synergistic effect, user's requirements and live condition, input and output are difficult to balance, leading to the outcome are affected. Therefore, we use the NFT to organize intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, which can better realize the dissemination and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. [Method/Process] According to online survey and literature research, this paper analyzes the deep problems of the intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, introduces the key technology of NFT, which including smart contracts and blockchain, discusses the feasibility in intangible cultural heritage digital resources development. At the subject level, the development based on NFT integrates the strength of various institutions, promotes the multi-developer cooperation. At the method level, the development meets the three needs of users and realizes the live development. At the economic level, the balance between input and output has been achieved, and economic and social values are unified. In addition, this paper puts forward the development architecture based on NFT according to the characteristics of intangible cultural heritage digital resources, which can be divided into network layer, consensus layer, contract layer, resource layer and user layer from bottom to top. Then we expound the application processes and implementation strategies. [Results/Conclusions] The NFT has many advantages in transactions. For example, digital collection transactions record ownership and its flow on a blockchain, the whole transfer process is open and transparent, solving the problem of authenticity of the collection. What's more, NFT brings a new confirmation model, in the new model, the entire blockchain recognizes the sole ownership of the owner, which has revolutionary significance for intellectual property protection. Based on the blockchain, we introduced the NFT into the intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, which is conducive to the copyright protection and develop traceability, provides a reference path for the fine-grained intangible cultural heritage digital resources development. In addition, the architecture has a certain universality, and it needs to be combined with the specific intangible cultural heritage project, resource type, digital format and other personalized requirements. With the maturity of the Meta-Universe ecology, intangible cultural heritage digital resources, as a potential cultural resource, can be further innovated and developed, and derive more forms.
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Ecological Mechanism of User Information Interaction in the Metaverse Environment
GUO Yajun, YUAN Yiming, ZHANG Tengfei
Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (6): 4-13.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0424
Abstract453)      PDF(pc) (4229KB)(571)       Save
[Purpose/Significance] Information ecology, as a kind of overall scenario of user information interaction behavior, reveals the basic logic of information flow among information elements in a particular environment. The study of information ecology in traditional information environment has been relatively mature. With the arrival of the metaverse, its characteristics of virtualization, immersion and decentralization have transformed user information interaction behavior, which in turn has brought about changes of the ecological interaction mechanism. We need to analyze the ecological mechanism of information interaction in the metaverse environment, in order to provide reference for relevant information theory research and promote the birth of metaverse informatics. [Method/Process] This paper stands on the information ecology perspective, takes the four ecological elements of information people, information, information environment and information technology as the entry point, and divides the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment into three layers of architecture: information interaction, information data and information technology. Among them, the information interaction layer contains information users and information environment. Unlike the information ecological chain, each information user in the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment is an integration of information producer, transmitter and consumer. Unlike the linear information flow in the information ecological chain, the information flow in the metaverse will show a wave-like diffusion. The information data layer provides the information resources in the information interaction ecology, and in this layer, we discuss the process from production to management of information resources under the metaverse environment. The information technology layer is the implementation path and basic support of the whole information interaction ecology, and in this layer we introduce several information technologies commonly used in the metaverse information interaction ecology. Through the above three-layer architecture, we have discussed the ecological composition of information interaction, information interaction logic, and information movement process as a whole to constitute the user information ecological mechanism under the metaverse enviornment. [Results/Conclusions] This paper constructs an ecological mechanism of user information interaction in the metaverse with a hierarchical architecture from the physical environment to the interaction scene, and provides strategies for the development of this mechanism from the perspectives of user, resource, technology, and governance. Taking the metaverse as the theoretical background, this study re-examines and expands the traditional information ecology theory, with the aim to provide a boost to the development of metaverse informatics. It is worth stating that the ecological mechanism of metaverse information interaction proposed in this paper is a theoretical prediction based on existing research, and the empirical conditions are insufficient.
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Advancing the Work on Ancient Classics in the New Era and Accelerating Innovative and Intelligent Development
HUANG Shuiqing, WANG Xiaoguang, XIA Cuijuan, OUYANG Jiang
Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (5): 4-20.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0359
Abstract621)      PDF(pc) (1562KB)(405)       Save
The promulgation of the Opinions on Advancing the Management Work on Ancient Classics in the New Era brought great development opportunities to the research on protection and management of ancient books and documents, the innovative development of digital humanities and the upgrading of cultural industry. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the work on protection and management of ancient books and documents in China has achieved fruitful results. In order to advance the management work on ancient classics in the new era, and promote the sharing, publicity and reuse of ancient books and docuemnts, the Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture organized a special seminar on four directions.1)Computing humanities should become an important discipline method for the research and management work of ancient books and docuemnts in the new era. By making full use of computing humanities' theories and methods, and giving full play to the advantages of the knowledge base of ancient classics and related knowledge service platforms in humanities computing, semantic publishing and cultural popularization, more abundant resource base, more convenient technical support and more intuitive promotion form for the work on ancient classics in the New Era will be obtained.2)Data intelligence empowerment brings new opportunities to the development of ancient classics. In recent years, with the progress of image OCR recognition, natural language processing and machine learning technologies and their successful applications in the managment work on ancient books and documents, the management work on ancient classics has begun to advance from digital development to intelligent development.3)New technologies are explored for the sharing, publicity and reuse of ancient classics. Although the professionals in the industry of ancient books have been reducing the cost of and limitation to sharing ancient books by establishing the normative guarantee at the institutional level and exploring technological forces for a long time, they still fail to achieve the ideal effect on how to achieve the balance between preservation and utilization. The introduction of new technologies such as blockchain, the new business models such as non-homogeneous tokens, and the initial formation of new digital media industry chains such as "virtual digital human" and "digital collections" will provide new opportunities for the asset-based management of ancient books, and the development of cultural and creative products and the evidence-based on-chain based on the digital content of ancient books.4)Vitality and utilization of ancient books is the new task for the professionals in the industry. The aim can be achieved by using the text-orientation, datafication and knowledgeization as the means of transformation and utilization of ancient book resources in the new era, actively building the national digital resource platform of ancient books, and constructing the ancient book knowledge system through artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, and other intelligent media.
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Application Scenario Construction of the University Metaverse Libraries
QI Jing
Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (11): 69-80.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0722
Abstract387)      PDF(pc) (2213KB)(337)       Save
[Purpose/Significance] The emergence of the metaverse has brought new opportunities to the development of libraries, which can not only solve many challenges and problems faced by libraries since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, but also promote the construction of smart libraries to a higher stage of development. [Method/Process] Based on literature research and online survey, this paper focuses on the connotation and characteristics of the metaverse library, constructs the application scenarios of the university metaverse library, and finally discuses the opportunities and challenges faced by the construction of the metaverse library. [Results/Conclusions] In September 2022, the China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Technology (CNTERM) invited more than 20 experts to discuss the metaverse and the concept of core terms and reached a consensus. Metaverse is a virtual world that can interact with the real world by mapping or surpassing the real world, which is constructed by human using digital technology. The metaverse library uses cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, VR/AR and other technologies as the means to build the virtual space of library services, and is combined with the real space services to provide readers with immersive experience and encourage readers to participate in the virtual community of library resource production. It has eight characteristics: immersive experience, integration of virtual and reality, human-computer interaction, multi-source information resources, space-time expansion, social network, reader economy, and thought twinning and storage. University metaverse library is an important component of Metaverse Library and a service system of university libraries in virtual space. It has the characteristics of Metaverse Library and its own characteristics. The university metaverse library will break the service mode of the real space library, and the learning experience of readers in the library will be more game-like, immersive, simple to operate, strong gain in reality and so on, which fully reflects the concept of "reader-centered". To be specific, the university metaverse library mainly has five application scenarios: virtual digital human exchange, immersive panoramic reading and space experience, librarian avatar interaction, community interaction, and reader creation to reader economy interaction. But the new technology is not yet perfect. The construction of metaverse virtual space resources is difficult; there is a lack of constraints and norms in virtual space reader behavior; the traditional library business will be impacted and other problems are the possible challenges in the process of constructing the university metaverse library. To get out of the dilemma, we need to establish a research team to enrich the practice of new technology in the library, give full play to library technical expertise to solve the problem of resource construction, use laws and regulations to restrict readers' behavior, and promote active use of services to drive the traditional library business.
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