Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 13-22.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0573
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GUO Pengrui, WEN Tingxiao*
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[3] | FU Rongxin, YANG Xiaohua. Analysis of AIGC Language Models and Application Scenarios in University Libraries [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2023, 35(7): 27-38. |
[4] | WANG Chao, KONG Xianghui. Application of Large-scale Pre-Training Language Model in Network Health Information Identification [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2023, 35(6): 51-59. |
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[6] | LI Jing. Causes of Intergenerational Conflict Heath Information Behavior and Its Mechanism in Social Control in the Context of Public Health Emergencies [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2023, 35(5): 74-88. |
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[13] | HUANG Taihua, ZHANG Tao, WANG Lei. Construction of College Students' "Consumption-Academic-Social" Profiles from the Perspective of Multi-source Data Fusion [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2022, 34(7): 76-87. |
[14] | FU Lihong, HAN Lu. The Influencing Mechanism of Postgraduates' Trust in Academic Information Consumption and Intensification Strategy [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2022, 34(6): 72-82. |
[15] | ZHANG Yu, HUO Mingkui. An Investigation into Information Needs of Rural Entrepreneurial Youth in the Context of Rural Revitalization: Based on the Survey in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning Provinces [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2022, 34(3): 51-60. |
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